
Artist / Author / Cartographer:
South East Asia - Messsageries Maritimes- Far Eastern Lines - "Viet-Nam", "Cambodge", "Laos"
Pictorial folding travel map of Southeast Asia printed in three colours, 55 x 74.5 cm (including border) and on the verso 15 black and white photographic illustrations of a cruise ship and interiors, surrounding descriptive text in French; in very good condition.
Striking 1950s pictorial map in fine condition by the accomplished French commercial artist Jacques Branger (particularly remembered for his "Campari" posters) for the Messageries Maritimes line (at the time the largest passenger fleet under the French flag) showing routes of their three cruise ships "Viet-Nam", "Cambodge" and "Laos". Their month long "Far East" voyages called at Bombay, Colombo, Singapore, Bangkok, Saigon (westbound), Manila, Hong Kong, Kobe (eastbound) and Yokohama. Ports of call are decorated with famous buildings, statuary, and figures in national dress. The interiors of the three recently completed luxury liners by renowned French designers and architects Andre Arbus, Jean Leleu and Jean Pascard are depicted overleaf.
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