
Description of a view of the Island and Bay of Hong...

Burford, Robert / 1843

This view of the successful attack upon the Heights...

Crawford, Lt. R.B., R.N. / 1844

Storming of the Forts & Intrenchments of Chuenpee,...

White, Lieut. Frederick John / c1844

Hong Kong from Kowloon

Allom, Thomas / 1843

The Tai-wang kow, or Yellow Pagoda Fort, Canton River...

Allom, Thomas / 1843

Capture of Ting-hai, Chusan

Allom, Thomas / 1843

The Praia Grande, Macao

Allom, Thomas / 1843

Scene on the Honan Canal, near Canton

Allom, Thomas / 1843

Harbour of Hong Kong

Allom, Thomas / 1843