Artist / Author / Cartographer:
19. - The Hong Kong Club
Robert Crisp Hurley lived in Hong Kong for 48 years from 1879 - 1927. He was a man of many talents which included being an accountant, writer, photographer, mapmaker and publisher. He arrived in Hong Kong on 14th March 1879 and began working as an assistant accountant at Sayle & Co. in Ice House Lane.
From 1885 he is employed in various managerial jobs including working for the Hong Kong Steam Laundry in Bowrington and in 1896 manager of Thomas Grill Room at 2 Queen's Road. From 1901 until 1909 he practices as an accountant at No. 5 Beaconsfield Arcade.
As a photographer he produced some attractive publications with pasted -in small albumen prints. These include, Sixty Diamond Jubilee Photographs of Hong Kong in 1897, Sixty Pictures of Canton in 1899 and The Far-East - Sixty Pictures - Hong Kong, Canton, Macao, Shanghai, Peking in c.1905.
He also wrote two books which were, Handbook to the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong and Dependencies. Published by Kelly and Walsh Limited, Hong Kong in 1920. Picturesque Hong Kong, A British Crown Colony and Dependencies. Fully illustrated (76 views) with maps and plans etc. Published by the Commercial Press Limited, Hong Kong in 1925.