Artist / Author / Cartographer:



Panorama von Hongkong






15 x 36.5 cm


Panorama von Hongkong [Panorama of Hong Kong]

Nach einem von Chinesen verfertigten Gemälde, im Besitze des Herrn Rechnungsraths Stohrer in Stuttgart [After a painting prepared by a Chinese artist,
in the possession of Mr. Stohrer, Senior Auditor/ Financial Councilor, in Stuttgart]

1. Oestliche Einfahrt [Eastern Entrance]
2. Jardine Matheson's Haus [Jardine Matheson House]
3. Anstalt der Französischen Lazaristen (Missionspriester). [School of the French Lazarits (Mission Priests)]
4. Morrison's Hügel. [Morrison?s Hill]
5. Weg nach Tschak-tschu. [Road to Tschak-tschu]
6. Happy Valley (glückliches Thal), Begräbnisplatz der Europäer. [Happy Valley, European Burial Ground]
7. Hospitalhügel mit dem Hospital für Matrosen. [Hospital Hill, with the Sailors Hospital]
8. Ditto.
9. Spring Garden (Privatwohnungen). [Spring Garden (Private Residences)]
10. Hospital der Katholiken, dahinter ein katholisches Dorf. [Catholic Hospital, with a Catholic village behind]
11. Katholische Kapelle. [Catholic Chapel]
12. Militär-Hospital [Military Hospital]
13. Hauptquartier, Residenz des englischen Generals. [Headquarters, Official Residence of the English General]
14. Kaserne des englischen Militärs. [English Military Barracks]
15. Englische Kathedrale. [English Cathedral]
16. Government's Office (Amthaus der Regierung). [Official Building of the Government]
17. Parade- und Exercierplatz. [Parade- and Exercise Ground]
18. Residenz des englischen Gouverneurs. [Official Residence of the English Governor]
19. St. Pau's College, zugleich Wohnung des anglikan. Bischoffs. [St.Paul's College, conjointly Residence of the Anglican Bishop]
20. Postgebäude. [Post Office Buildings]
21. Gerichtshof. [Courts of Justice]
22. Katholische Kirche. [Catholic Church]
23. Gefängniß. [Prison]
24. Muhamedanische Moschee, dahinter ein Dorf. [Mohammedan Mosque, with a village behind]
25. Büreau der Peninsular und Oriental Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft. [Office of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company]
26. Unionskapelle und englisches Missionshaus. [Union Chapel and English Mission House]
27. Amerikanisches Missionshaus. [American Mission House]
28. Chinesisches Quartier. [Chinese Quarter]
29. Wohnhaus der deutschen Missionare. [Residence of the German Missionaries]
30. Poliziestation. [Police Station]
31. Insel Tschong-tschu, westliche Einfahrt. [Cheung Chau Island, western entrance]
32. Insel Lan-tau [Lantau Island]

An exceedingly rare German engraving of a Panorama of Hong Kong which would date to about 1855. The composition of the picture is similar to Chinese paintings of the same time. A variety of junks, sampans, steamships and clippers appear in the harbour in the foreground. In the distance is Hong Kong Island.

What is particularly interesting is the attention to detail of the locations of buildings on the island along with the numbered index below the picture identifying  these buildings. Although a few errors appear overall it is  a most informative view.


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