Artist / Author / Cartographer:

Clayton, B.


Foochow - Foo Choo : One of the Five Ports opened by the Late Treaty to British Commerce.






12 x 18 cm


Foo Choo Foo : One of the Five Ports opened by the Late Treaty to British Commerce.


Drawn by B. Clayton from an original painting by Piqua. On Stone by Dean $ Co.


One of the earliest available views of Foochow. 

In these early days after the first opium war sketches would be sent back to England by military and naval officers which were then made into lithographs to illustrate books or magazines. Also paintings were bought from Chinese artists working in Canton which were known as China Trade paintings. From the late 18th century there were views of Canton, Whampoa and Macao. After 1843 views of the new treaty ports were painted which included Shanghai, Amoy, Ningpo as well as Hong Kong. These were often decorative with many boats in the foreground and the features of land behind quite inaccurate. These views were also featured on fans and porcelain some of which now prove difficult to identify. In turn these Chinese paintings may be copied in London to illustrate books or magazines.


P4351.  Chater IX.4 


Item Code:

Chater IX.4
