"The Chater Collection" Remembered

H.M.S. "Encounter" at Ningpo 1862

A.D. McArthur / 1862

Signing of the Treaty of Teintsin (Tientsin)

Bedwell, F. Le B. / (1858) 1860

The Storming of Canton

Oliphant, L. / 1860

Peiho River Forts

Bedwell, F. Le B. / c.1860

Fatshan Creek

Brierly, Oswald W. / 1857

The Revd. Robert Morrison D.D. and his assistants in...

Chinnery, George / c1856

Hong Kong - View of the Harbour of Hong Kong, from...

Kidd, J.B. / 1845 (1847)

Amoy, one of the five ports opened by the late treaty...

Clayton, B. / 1847

Whampoa, near Canton. The Anchorage for European Shipping...

Clayton, B. / 1846