
Macao to Canton

Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty / 1948

Cheung Chau Island, and shipping in Hong Kong

Vargassoff, Serge / c1948


FARRERE, Claude and Charles FOUQUERAY / 1945

Shanghai -- China - East Coast - Hwangpoo River, Kaokiao...

U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office / 1944

Macao to Pedro Blanco including Hong Kong

U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office / 1942

Shanghai -- China - East Coast - Hwangpoo River, Yangtzepoo...

U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office / 1942

History of International Lodge A.F. & A.M. Peking,...

Gillis, Thunder, Pettus, Chang and Sterquelle / 1940

The New Map of Great Shanghai

The Shanghai Nippon Do / 1939

The New Map of Shanghai (1938)

Japanese Mapmaker / 1938