

John Kirk Sewall / Peiyang Press Ltd. / 1938

Hong Kong and Canton GSGS 3825

Geographical Section, General Staff / 1938

Peking - Famous Resorts of Peiping and Environs

Science Press, Peiping / c1938

Yunnan - Carte Shell - Routes du Yunnan

H. Barue & F.O. Tchao / Octobre

China Sea

Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty / 1887 (1937)

P & O Ports - Shanghai plan

Bartholomew, John & Co. / c1935

Fanling Golf Course I - New Territories, Hong Kong...

Unknown Photographer / c1930

Hong Kong - A Taoist priest

Unknown Photographer / c1930

Map of Canton

The Publicity & Information Bureau / c1930